Purchase: EatLikeYouCareBook.com
This book puts the issue of eating animals squarely on the table.
We all claim to care about animals and to regard them as having at least some moral value. We all claim to agree that it’s wrong to inflict “unnecessary” suffering and death on animals and–whatever disagreement we may have about when animal use is necessary—we all agree that the suffering and death of animals cannot be justified by human pleasure, amusement, or convenience. We condemn Michael Vick for dog fighting precisely because we feel strongly that any pleasure that Vick got from this activity could not possibly justify what he did.
Help Animals India - www.HelpAnimalsIndia.org
Prof. Gary Francione - www.abolitionistapproach.com
Tibetan News - www.meyul.com
Dalai Lama Quotes - www.bestdalailamaquotes.com
Mundgod Tibetan Settlement - www.mundgod.com