January 7, 2007 Hunsur Rabgyaling Tibetan Settlement, Mysore Disttrict, India

hunsur1.jpgDuring His Holiness' visit at Hunsur Rabgyaling, TVA team headed by Monlam Lobsang spread its message of peace and non-violence. A small stall was put up near the main entrance of the Gyurmey Monastery. Magazines, CDs and books on health and vegetarianism were sold at reasonable prices. There was a separate table for publications that were for free distribution which included pamphlets, booklets, posters etc.

Right after closing the stall in the evening, TVA activists organized video screenings at "J"-Village which is the main attraction center of Hunsur Village. A different video was shown every evening. Many people would come forward excited and curious to ask the title of the next day's video show. TVA screened many documentaries which threw a light on the sufferings of animals.

hunsur5.jpgTo spread the message of love and kindness towards animals, TVA screened the movie "BABE". BABE is a fanciful film that follows the tale of Babe, a pig who defies destiny by daring to be different, by daring to be, of all hings, a sheepdog. All kinds of species live on the Hoggett farm. Each animal has a job to do, tries to do it well and knows his or her place in the world. They aim to keep their owners happy, but understandably, the pressure to avoid becoming Christmas dinner. The movie ended with a huge round of applause from the audience.

TVA expresses its gratitude and appreciation towards the people of Hunsur especially the Representative Officer of Hunsur Tibetan Settlement for their efforts in banning meat in the settlement during His Holiness' visit.
