(**Helping the community by helping animals)

wecare-mundgod2.jpgMundgod  February 14th 2008:Roses, gifts, chocolates & candles; for most people, this is the description of Valentine's day. But for a group of young Tibetans, this day meant something more than that.

Tibetan Volunteers for Animals (TVA) headed by Mr. Lobsang Monlam organized a 3 day animal welfare program called 'We CARE' at Mundgod. The main aim of the program was to treat sick and injured animals and to protect the dogs against Rabies by vaccinating them - a perfect gift for the animals on Valentine's day.

TVA vaccinated 443 dogs and gave medical treatment to 19 dogs, 4 cats, 1 buffalo and 4 cows in all the 9 villages and two monasteries. 

wecare-mundgod15.jpgMost of the dogs have skin infections due to lack of medical care. A proper sterilization program is required to keep a check on the stray dog population.

Whether we accept it or not, animals are a part of our community and since animals can't take care of themselves, it is our moral responsibility to take care of these innocent beings. At times when epidemic strike on these animals, we should not abandon them or kill them instead this is the time when they need our love, compassion and help as much as we needed theirs when they were cute and healthy.

"Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."

wecare-mundgod3.jpgOur heartfelt gratitude towards:

1) Venerable Lobsang Tenzin, Chairman, Drepung Loseling Altruistic Medical Association for providing a transport van and 100 Syringes free of cost.

2) Mr. Karma lak, Secretary, Tibetan Cooperative Society Mundgod for providing accommodation at their Guest house free of cost.

3) Mr. Penpa lak, Executive Secretary, DTR Hospital Mundgod for providing 450 Surgical Gloves free of cost.

4) Mr. Norbu lak, Chairman Mundgod Settlement for his cooperation and encouragement.

5) Dr. Markhande (Asst. Director), Dr. Basawaraj, Dr. Arun and Dr. Melimani from Mundgod Veterinary Hospital for their cooperation throughout thewecare-mundgod17.jpgwecare-mundgod18.jpgwecare-mundgod21.jpg program.

